Thursday, February 27, 2014

Run Kami run!

After many, many months of training and I can't even begin to imagine how many miles run, Kami completed her first marathon on Sunday!!  This was originally supposed to happen back in December before the Icy Disaster swept through and cancelled the race, so here we are almost three months later with a baby road trip over to Fort Worth for the Cowtown Marathon on a beautiful spring-like day (a million times better than the ice and snow!).  The perfect day for a run!  You know, for you people who like to do that kind of thing...

Check out the awesome medal - it's a spur!  I love you, Fort Worth.
Go Kami!  Winnie the puppy dog was not cooperating on the picture-taking, but I promise she was very supportive.
I have absolutely no desire to ever run a marathon in my life (I probably wouldn't even wake up for it...), but I'm happy to support my friends who do.  It gives me an excuse to create inspirational craft projects that look as though they were inspired and executed by a seven year old (giant bubble/block letters!  pink glitter paint!).

So proud of you, Kami!  And just watching her run 26.2 miles made us hungry, so Carolyn, Eva, and I had frozen custard from Curly's and delicious brunch at Cafe Brazil in her honor.  You know, we had to walk a little bit from where we parked to the finish line...there was even a very small hill involved.  Definitely exercise.  And then I promptly went home and took a nap.


Belinda said...

This is awesome! You guys are the best :)

I want to see more Erin prego pictures. And I'd like a bump update. I know you don't want to talk about the baby all the time, but it's time for a prego update please :)

Erin said...

It was such a great day! So proud of Kamster.

I promise a baby update soon! Contrary to my picture-taking ways, I haven't been very good about preggo picture-taking - to be remedied.