Saturday, July 23, 2011

Pendarvi weekend in The Oven

I'm no longer referring to Dallas as Dallas - it's just "The Oven" from here on out.  Probably through September or so.  And it's kinda unfortunate that my future in-laws visited a few weekends ago in the midst of this unrelenting heat.  Needless to say, we spent a lot of time in air-conditioning.  These oven conditions limit outdoor explorations rather severely, and a lot of my "fun" ideas get blown out of the water.
Sidenote - I think Craig is only mildly amused (perhaps bemused?) by my frequent use of "Pendarvi" rather than the appropriate plural form.  But I like it.  Deal with it, dear.

The Pendarvi and future Pendarvis (you know, me!) spent relatively cool time exploring the famers market, wandering Half Price Books, embarking on rehearsal dinner extravaganza planning, and indulging in LOTS of eating - Chuy's, Smoke, Big Al's, Y.O. Steakhouse, Manny's, Twisted Root.  My body STILL needs some vegetables.  Yes, even weeks later.

Momma Dale sits Texas-style at Y.O. Steakhouse
Minimal pictures from these weekend adventures, mostly because I'd still like my new family to like me and think I'm possibly normal instead of "oh my heavens, who is this crazy girl taking pictures of our hamburgers??"

Had a great time getting to know my new family a little bit better, and here's wishing you and yours LOTS of air conditioning.


Sully said...

Love reading your blogs, Ernie Bern! Always fun and interesting . . .glad it sounds like you're doing so well (despite the heat!!)

<3 you!

Erin said...

And you're blogging again, too!! Hooray for a good way to keep up with each other - love you, Kerry Marie!