It took three hours. I was very hot and sweaty. The end.
I also went and bought MULCH. Who am I?? Craig told me mulch would prevent weeds from cropping back up, and I didn't believe him, but then I Googled it and did believe him. Thank you, magic Google machine. And Craig. I don't have much...or any...experience with this mulch business. And by the way, sweetie, mulch doesn't exactly weigh the 20 pounds a bag you said it's kinda heavy...
Pretty new red mulch = awesome. Dead bits of worthless crap to the right = no good. Time to buy more mulch. |
Shouldn't someone else take care of this while we're in a rental house? My thoughts exactly. But our landlord doesn't believe in hiring a lawn service; he believes in adding clauses to our lease that say things about watering the lawn and such silliness. Hindsight.
Now that I have some space to work with that isn't overrun by every imaginable form of evil weed, I'd love to put in some pretty flowers...but I'm not going to go to the effort for this temporary house. So you'll have to settle for the single pot of marigolds (in an inherited pot, I might add - I just pulled out whatever sad dead thing was in there and started over) greeting you at the front door. Why marigolds? Because they're so bright and cheery! Also, they're practically impossible to kill - the things are basically like weeds with pretty flowers attached. I figured if they could survive the Texas Panhandle's harsh conditions, they should do a-ok here.
Craig is in charge of grass while I'm in charge of everything else. Which totally works. For now. Especially since our system for taking care of the leaves from the magnolia tree involves just mowing over them. I love the magnolia flowers (did you know they kinda look like giant roses before they bloom? It's so cool!)...all of those leaves, not quite so much.
Maybe we should just go live in a condo somewhere...except I do love our outdoor space. And with Zachary running around, it's basically a necessity.
Time to go buy more mulch.