Thursday, October 28, 2010

Just where exactly is home?

You know how I got back from Spain about a month and a half ago?  I promise promise PROMISE you'll see pictures of this amazing adventure AND hear all the stories (the ones I still remember, anyway...geez).  But you know what?  Ever since I got back, life has been slightly bonkers.  At least on the travel side of things.  Oh, and possibly the "what am I doing with my life and how am I doing it and just WHAT the heck is going on?" side of things as well.  Which leaves little time for editing and captioning photos, much less compiling them in any sort of witty form.  Therefore, I present to you my travel schedule.

At the beginning of October, I went to Dallas for new manager training...

...and then went back home for a little while, feeling pretty distraught about things...

...and then almost went to Chicago for training and then Dallas but ended up just coming to Dallas a day early so I could be here for something much more important than instructor development training...

...and then went back home for a little while...

...and then went to Boston...

...and then went back home for a little while...

...and then went to Durham for the weekend to hang out with my fabulous sissy AND my wonderful mommy, all while introducing them to that boy I happen to be dating (oh, and for those of you who aren't aware of the boy...well, there it is! updates available upon specific request given my general propensity to not be a great personal sharer, although I think I've done much better in the last month or so)...

...and then went back home for a little while...

...and then went to New York for yet MORE training, which happened to be accompanied by a fun night in the city...

...and then went home for a little while, where there was a Friday night dinner involving the parents of aforementioned boy, which may or may not have contributed to some degree of stress in my life given everything else that stresses me...

...and now I'm in Dallas for a full week actually TEACHING training, which is going really well, but also happens to coincide with my dear friend Dana's last week in the DC office, which means I'm going back to a work land filled with ZERO I-can-tell-you-anything kind of people...but at least I'm spending some exceptionally good time with my wonderful people here...

...and then I'll go back home for more than just a little while.  With weekend visitors lined up for the next two weekends, which I'm MORE than excited about.  Probably because they know how important sleeping in is to me.

So, that's a little bit of the reason why you haven't heard about Spain yet.  But you will.  And Darcy, I PROMISE those pictures will head your way...definitely before Christmas.  This is ridiculous.


Stephanie said...

Ha ha. I love this post and cannot wait for coffee on Saturday morning -- although given this email and the fact that I am still working, I may be a tad sleepy :)

And only a few months until you are back to Dallas for good, right?!?!

Sarah said...

Ay ay ay with the travel craziness already. Although I must say I love that I have gotten the benefit of seeing you rather frequently from it! And hooray for strides in personal sharing! :)

Erin said...

Stephanie, I can't wait to see you! I just hope you get some sleep between now and then...

Enough of the traveling - but at least I got to see a lot of my Sarin this month. It's been a lovely treat!

Erin said...

Oh, and Steph, I'll be back for good at the end of January, give or take a couple weeks!