Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happy Pi Day!

3/14!  That's right, one whole day dedicated to the symbol for the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.  Dang.  While people might celebrate the day by compiling pop culture references or geeking out over Google's custom logo for today, you know how I plan on celebrating.  With the pie version of pi.  However, I don't need an entire pie hanging out in my kitchen, tempting me, so I made a baby pie.  A baby sour cream lemon pie, alllllllll for me.

I like this version of celebrating a day reserved for math and science nerds.  And yes, I realize by "celebrating" it at all makes me a nerd of sorts.  I totally know I'm nerdy.

Ok, so I didn't really conquer the rain and do anything DC-awesome this weekend...but I did have baking adventures, and that makes me happy.  Happier than being cold and wet and soaked with rain.  Three cheers for sour cream lemon pie and brown butter Irish soda bread and banana chocolate chip upside down cake!  The oven got a workout this weekend.

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