Tuesday, May 28, 2013

How did I never tell you about Spain?

I never told you about Spain.  And it's not that I just didn't tell you about Spain, it's that I didn't write down and capture all my wonderful Spain memories so I could go back and read them a thousand times over, because I'm pretty certain that I read this blog far more often than anyone else.  Public diary/journal/notebook of sorts, you know?

So I might throw in some bits and pieces of Spain here and there as I flip through pictures and remember the moments.  Which is why I took 3,067 pictures (yup, that's me) over the course of twelve days or so - because I've found that sometimes it's helpful to click and snap away to capture little moments to trigger bigger memories.  Even if I'm now going to throw those written-down memories into the 2013 section of the blog when it happened in 2010 (holy...whaaaaat now?!? that's why I'm so much skinnier in these pictures...I like to call the additions my love pounds).  But it's also reminded me to pick up that camera more and just capture the days.

Excited to try and fall asleep faces...
...to really excited to be walking the streets of Barcelona faces.  Kinda awesome what a plane ride can do.


Darcy said...

Was that seriously in 2010??? WOW.

Erin said...

I KNOW!! That's blowing my mind just a little bit...